Mindy Gledhill



I Do Adore-歌詞- Mindy Gledhill

I Do Adore-歌詞- A-one, two, three, four Everything you do, it sends me Higher than the moon with every Twinkle in your eye You strike a match.

I Do Adore - 歌词

I Do Adore ; Everything you do it sends me. 所有你送给我的东西 ; Higher than the moon with every. 被无数闪烁星星包围的月亮 ; Twinkle in your eye. 不及你眼眸中闪烁 ...

I Do Adore 歌詞mp3 線上收聽及免費下載

I Do Adore - Mindy Gledhill. Composed by:mindy gledhill. Everything you do it sends me. Higher than the moon with every. Twinkle in your eye.

Mindy Gledhill- I Do Adore (Lyrics)

Mindy Gledhill- I Do Adore (Lyrics) · Comments9.2K. jo pye Salvatera. 2025, anyone??? 3:50 · Go to channel · you can be ...

Mindy Gledhill - I Do Adore lyrics

You strike a match that lights my heart on fire. When you′re near, I hide my blushing face. And trip on my shoelaces. Grace just isn't my forté.

I Do Adore - song and lyrics by Mindy Gledhill

Listen to I Do Adore on Spotify. Song · Mindy Gledhill · 2010.

I Do Adore-歌词- Mindy Gledhill

I Do Adore-歌词- A-one, two, three, four Everything you do, it sends me Higher than the moon with every Twinkle in your eye You strike a match.

[music] Mindy Gledhill-I Do Adore - 三貓日記

更可愛的歌~! 歌詞簡單,卻真切表達出小女生看見喜歡的人那種欣喜和慌亂XD One, two, three, four... Everything you do it sends me. Higher than the moon with every ...

I Do Adore

I fall into a pile on the floor. Puppy love is hard to ignore. When every little thing. you do, I do adore. We're as different as can be.

Mindy Gledhill - I Do Adore Lyrics

Everything you do it sends me. Higher than the moon with every. Twinkle in your eye. You strike a match that lights my heart on fire


IDoAdore-歌詞-A-one,two,three,fourEverythingyoudo,itsendsmeHigherthanthemoonwitheveryTwinkleinyoureyeYoustrikeamatch.,IDoAdore;Everythingyoudoitsendsme.所有你送给我的东西;Higherthanthemoonwithevery.被无数闪烁星星包围的月亮;Twinkleinyoureye.不及你眼眸中闪烁 ...,IDoAdore-MindyGledhill.Composedby:mindygledhill.Everythingyoudoitsendsme.Higherthanthemoonwithevery.Twinkleinyoureye.,MindyGledhill-ID...

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